BambooNET database

Database of co-expression networks with functional modules for Moso Bamboo
Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis, also known as Phyllostachys heterocycla), an important fastest-growing non-timber forest plant worldwide, has been an essential forest resources. We integrated the genome sequence of moso bamboo and 78 transcriptome data sets to build genome-wide global and conditional co-expression networks, and overlaid the gene expression results onto the network with multiple dimensions (different development stages). Through combining the coexpression network and function enrichment tools, we identified 1,896 functional modules related to bamboo development. The database also includes cis-element analysis, gene set enrichment analysis, and other tools.



Xuelian Ma, Hansheng Zhao, Hengyu Yan, Minghao Sheng, Yaxin Cao, Kebin Yang, Hao Xu, Wenying Xu, Zhimin Gao, Zhen Su. (2021). Refinement of bamboo genome annotations through integrative analyses of transcriptomic and epigenomic data. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. PII: S2001-0370(21)00180-X. doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2021.04.068. LINK

Xuelian Ma, Hansheng Zhao, Wenying Xu, Qi You, Hengyu Yan, Zhimin Gao, Zhen Su. (2018). Co-expression Gene Network Analysis and Functional Module Identification in Bamboo Growth and Development. Frontiers in Genetics. 9:574. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2018.00574. LINK

Version 1.0


Version 2.0 (updated)


2021-05-11: The paper Refinement of bamboo genome annotations through integrative analyses of transcriptomic and epigenomic data is now available online.

2019-06-10: You can search gene on bamboo genome of version 2.0 in the Search Page!

2019-05-15: The co-expression gene modules based on bamboo genome version 2.0 was available online! [link]

2019-04-10: The co-expression network based on bamboo genome version 2.0 was available online! [link]

2018-11-16: BambooNET was accepted by Frontier in Genetics;

2017-05-28: A new homepage is online now;

2017-04-30: Cis-element enrichment analysis tool works now;

2017-04-20: Co-expression global network has been online;

2017-03-20: More functions are ready.

2017-02-27: Database constructure is designed and the website is being developed.